Due Friday October 18 at end-of-day
The model structure used is the so-called ARX (Auto-Regressive with eXogenous input) model:
The model can be written \begin{align*} A(\text{q}) y(k) &= B(\text{q})u(k) + \text{q}^n e(k)\\ (\text{q}^n + a_1\text{q}^{n-1} + \cdots + a_n)y(k) &= (b_0\text{q}^{m} + b_1\text{q}^{m-1} + \cdots + b_m)u(k) + \text{q}^n e(k)\\ y(k+n) + a_1 y(k+n-1) + \cdots + a_n y(k) &= b_0u(k+m) + b_1u(k+m-1) + \cdots + b_m u(k) + e(k+n)\\ y(k+1) + a_1y(k) + \cdots + a_n y(k-n+1) &= b_0 u(k+m-n+1) + b_1u(k+m-n) + \cdots + b_m u(k-n+1)) + e(k+1) \end{align*} The one-step-ahead predictor for this model becomes \begin{align*} \hat{y}(k+1) &= -a_1 y(k) - a_2 y(k-1) - \cdots - a_n y(k-n+1) \\ &\qquad + b_0 u(k+m-n+1) + b_1 u(k+m-n) + \cdots + b_m u(k-n+1)\\ & = \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} -y(k) & \cdots & -y(k-n+1) & u(k+m-n+1) & \cdots & u(k-n+1)\end{bmatrix}}_{\varphi^{T}(k+1)} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} a_1\\\vdots\\a_n\\b_0\\\vdots\\b_m\end{bmatrix}}_{\theta}\\ &= \varphi^{T}(k+1)\theta. \end{align*} Note that the white noise term $e(k+1)$ by definition cannot be predicted from knowledge of previous values in the sequence (which we don't know) nor from previous output values $y(t), \; t \le k$ (which could have been used to estimate $\hat{e}(k)$). Therefore $e(k+1)$ is predicted by its mean value which is zero. Note also that if our model with $\theta = \theta^*$ is perfect ($\theta^*$ contains the true parameters for the system which generated the data), then the prediction error equals the white noise disturbance: $\epsilon(k+1) = y(k+1) - \varphi^{T}(k+1)\theta^* = e(k+1)$. Therefore, we can check how good a models is by testing how close the prediction errors resembles a white noise sequence.
The system of equations in the unknown system parameters $\theta$ is $ \Phi \theta = y, $ where \begin{align*} \Phi &= \begin{bmatrix} \varphi^{T}(n+1)\\\varphi^{T}(n+2)\\\vdots\\\varphi^{T}(N)\end{bmatrix},\\ y &= \begin{bmatrix} y(n+1)\\y(n+2)\\\vdots\\y(N)\end{bmatrix}. \end{align*}
The least-squares solution to this system of equations is, by definition, the solution $\hat{\theta}$ which minimizes the sum of squares of the residuals $\epsilon = y-\Phi\theta$, i.e. the solution that minimizes the criterion $ J(\theta) = \epsilon^{T}\epsilon = \sum_i \epsilon_i^2. $ It is given by $ \hat{\theta}_{LS} = \underbrace{(\Phi^{T}\Phi)^{-1}\Phi^{T}}_{\Phi^+} y, $ where $\Phi^+$ is called the Moore-Penrose invers of the (typically) non-square, tall matrix $\Phi$.
In [ ]:
, y1
, u1_val
, y1_val
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import control
In [7]:
!wget https://alfkjartan.github.io/files/sysid_hw_data.mat
data = sio.loadmat("sysid_hw_data.mat")
In [8]:
N = len(data["u1"])
Consider the model structure $$y(k) = \frac{b_0\text{q}+b_1}{\text{q}+a} \text{q}^{-1} u(k),$$ which is a first order model with one zero, one pole and one delay. The true system has $b_0=0.2$, $b_1=0$ and $a=-0.8$.
The ARX model can be written $$ y(k+1) = -ay(k) + b_0u(k) + b_1u(k-1) + e(k+1),$$ and so the one-step-ahead predictor becomes $$ \hat{y}(k+1) = -ay(k) + b_0u(k) + b_1u(k-1) = \begin{bmatrix} -y(k) & u(k) & u(k-1) \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} a\\b_0\\b_1 \end{bmatrix}. $$
The systems of equations becomes $$ \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} -y(2) & u(2) & u(1)\\-y(3) & u(3) & u(2)\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots\\ -y(N-1) & u(N-1) & u(N-2) \end{bmatrix}}_{\Phi} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix} a\\b_0\\b_1\\\end{bmatrix}}_{\theta} = \begin{bmatrix} y(3)\\y(4)\\\vdots\\y(N) \end{bmatrix},$$ which is solved using least squares.
In [9]:
y = np.ravel(data["y1"])
u = np.ravel(data["u1"])
Phi = np.array([-y[1:N-1],
yy = y[2:]
theta_ls = np.linalg.lstsq(Phi, yy)
print("Estimated: a = %f" % theta_ls[0][0])
print("Estimated: b_0 = %f" % theta_ls[0][1])
print("Estimated: b_1 = %f" % theta_ls[0][2])
In [10]:
# Import the predict_lti function which will calculate the k-step ahead prediction.
from lti_fcns import predict_lti
yv = np.ravel(data["y1_val"])
uv = np.ravel(data["u1_val"])
k = 8 # The prediction horizon
d = 1 # The input delay of the system
a = np.array([1, theta_ls[0][0]])
b = np.ravel(theta_ls[0][1:])
(ypred, tpred) = predict_lti(b,a,yv, uv, k, d)
N = len(uv)
plt.step(range(N), yv)
plt.plot(tpred, ypred, 'ro')
# Calculate the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and fit (in %)
err = yv[tpred[0]:] - ypred
RMSE = np.sqrt(1.0/N * np.sum( np.square(yv[tpred[0]:] - ypred)))
fit = 100 * (1 - np.linalg.norm(err)/np.linalg.norm(yv - np.mean(yv)))
plt.title("RMSE = %f, fit = %f %%" % (RMSE, fit))
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In general it is preferred to compare the validation output to the output from a k-step ahead predictor, where k is chosen to correspond to a typical time interval of the data. For control models where we have used the rule-of-thumb of 4-10 sampling periods per rise time, a choice of around $k=10$ is reasonable. A choice of $k=1$ (one-step ahead predictor) gives unreliable validation, since the trivial predictor $\hat{y}(k+1) = y(k)$ can give good predictions if the sampling period is short. Think of the prediction "the weather in one minute from now will be equal to the weather now". Choosing k extremely large corresponds to a pure simulation of the model (the predicted output sequence depends only on the input sequence) and will not work for unstable models. Also, for models with integration a small bias in the input sequence will be accumulated and give poor validation result, even for a good model.